Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Assignments for 2/27

Finish reading Ch 6 and complete chapter 7.

Blog Prompt: 

Where is David and why is there? Talk about David's father's visit. (summarize) What do you think of David's father's behavior? (his decision to sign/not sign the papers)

Discuss Antwone/David comparison/contrast handout.

Continue watching Antwone Fisher.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Assignments 2/25

Read Ch. 5 and 6

Blog Prompt: Summarize what happened in Chapters 4 and 5. Write about the four most important parts of the story. 

Start movie, Antwone Fisher

Begin comparing/contrasting David with Antwone. (handout)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Assignments 2/21

Where are we now? What happened in the trial?

Read Ch 4: pages 79-108

Blog Prompt: 

As the story continues, we will see David bounce around from foster home to foster home. In chapter 4, we see him with the Catanze family. Tell me everything you notice about David's time with the Catanze family so far. How is it different from his time with his mother? What are some of the major differences? Do you agree that the title of this chapter should be "New Beginnings"?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Assignment 2/15

Turn in your essay if you have not done so already!!

Read CH 2 and 3 of The Lost Boy. (p. 35-76)

Answer blog prompt on blog: 

In Ch. 1, David says, "In all, nothing's changed, and I know nothing. I wish I were someone, any one but who I am. I wish I had a life, a family, a home" (32). 

Read CH 2 and 3. Has nothing changed for David? How is his life different from Ch. 1? How have his feelings changed? USE EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Assignments 2/5

Assignments 2/5

  • Read Chapter 7 and Epilogue. Finish book! 
  • Go Over Study-Guide (should be basically completed) Any Questions?
  • Blog: At the end of A Child Called It, we do not find out what happens with Dave's mother or father. In your opinion, what do you think should happen to them?? Were you satisfied with what was revealed in the ending? Did you want to know more?
  • Watch Rudy. We will continue where we left off.

TEST ON A Child Called It on Thursday, February 8.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Assignments for 2/1

Happy February!

Today is a shortened period.


Read Ch 6. Continue to complete study-guide. 

Blog Prompt: Focus on Dave's father in this post. Describe how he would treat David. Do you think he was a good father? Why or why not?

Start the movie, Rudy. Be thinking about how Rudy and David are similar in terms of what situation they are going through, as well as how they react to their environment.